When Your Weight Loss Resolution Pays Off Atlanta, GA

When Your Weight Loss Resolution Pays Off

smiling woman

One of the most common New Year’s resolutions is about losing weight. Granted, the percentage rate is fairly low for those who actually follow through on their commitment and make it to the goal. For those who do, there may be some unexpected changes in appearance, especially for older adults. Weight loss can leave sagging…

Put Your Best Face on for the Holidays

smiling woman applies chemical peels to face

This time of year is special for most people; full of parties, visits from friends and family, adventures of all kinds, new beginnings and lots of pictures. You want to look your best for the holidays and The K Spa can help you do just that. In many cases, a simple, non-invasive procedure can make…

Isn’t It About Time You Tried Botox?

Woman Receiving Botox Injections Atlanta, GA

You may be surprised at how many of your friends around Atlanta use it. And after your first treatment, you may wonder why you haven’t been using it before now. We’re talking about Botox®, the most popular and widely-known dermal filler available today for cosmetic enhancements. If you haven’t tried Botox injections to enhance your…

Treatments for Veins and Capillaries

woman presents smooth legs after laser hair removal

Capillaries and veins are both types of blood vessels in the circulatory system. At times these blood vessels appear close to the skin surface and become visible. They will vary in shape, size, and volume. Aging, genetics, and sun-damaged skin could be causes to the visibility of these blood vessels. These blood vessels can burst…

Dermaplaning Treatments

Facial Treatments Atlanta GA

Did you know that your skin is the largest and fastest -growing organ in your body? With skin being your largest organ, skin overtime can appear dirty, dry, dull, and damaged. With constant exposure to make-up, environmental factors, diet, lifestyle habits, and stress your skin takes a beating. Going through a daily routine of washing,…

Mid-Summer Heat: Never Too Late For Waxing!

Waxing At Spa Atlanta GA

Summer heat have you wanting to stay indoors? Think summer is coming to an end and school is getting ready to start? Never fear The K Spa is open and cool for you. Whether it’s to get your eyebrows shaped up or your body ready for summer outdoor activities, it is never too late to…

Microneedling Treatments

Woman Receiving Microneedling Treatment Atlanta GA

Having gained traction in recent years, Microneedling dates back to the mid-1990’s, and provides both immediate and ongoing results. Elle online refers to Microneedling as a multipurpose treatment that improves the look of scars, while also boosting collagen production. Short-term results include radiant, tighter-looking skin that’s luminous, while long-term improvements demonstrate an increase of nearly…

Amplify Your Anti-Aging Regimen With Lumity

beautiful woman touching her face

When it comes to nutritional and wellness supplements, there are mountains of available products and options to help individuals look and feel their best. Yet, which ones really work? Better yet, are they safe? Having devoted himself to the study of facial plastic surgery and skin rejuvenation, Dr. Benjamin Stong is a dual board certified…

Chemical Peels: A Classic Treatment To Perfect Your Skin

smiling woman applies chemical peels to face

For some, it’s hard to imagine that a lineless, flawless complexion is hiding beneath their tired, blemished skin. However, with the refined revival of a classic treatment, chemicals peels could be the secret to perfect skin, as told by Allure online. Perhaps this is why more people are seeking treatment with chemical peels than when…

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Facial

Facial Treatments Atlanta GA

Boasting big-time results in the arena of anti-aging and skincare, the Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Facial is a combination of microdermabrasion and the rich serum portion of blood. Yes, that’s right—blood. To explain, blood platelets are packed with growth factors and bioactive proteins that optimize the skin’s natural function. The best part, however, is that these…

* Disclaimer: These Are Actual Results For Patients Of Dr. Benjamin Stong. Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Results Can Vary Between Patients.