There are many factors that can contribute to the dreaded wrinkles and lines of facial aging. Over time, the elastin fibers and collagen in your skin weaken. After years of squinting, laughing, frowning or worrying, your facial skin struggles to bounce back like it once did, resulting in creases and lines around the eyes, eyebrows and mouth. The signs of facial aging can be considerably noticeable between the eyebrows or in the glabella region. Furrows, wrinkles or lines in this area are often called the “11’s,” and it can make one look tired, angry or stressed. Fortunately, advanced furrows and other dynamic wrinkles caused by repeated facial movements can be treated non-surgically using Botox.
Botox injections and other neuromodulators are essentially muscle relaxing agents that target the specific muscle that is causing the unwanted wrinkles. In the case of 11’s or furrows, the injection is strategically placed in the corrugator and procerus muscle of the glabella. Neuromodulators work by blocking the transmission of nerve impulses to the injected muscles. When injected properly, the glabella region can be smoothed. The medial brow may also be elevated since the corrugator and procerus muscle are brow depressors. The result is a rejuvenated and more confident appearance from a quick, no-downtime procedure.
Botox for 11s
To be done effectively and safely, Botox requires the uncompromised level of skill and precision that comes from a cosmetic and medically trained professional. At The K Spa, we proudly offer Botox and other wrinkle treatments with a reputable dual board certified plastic surgeon as medical director and licensed medical aesthetician. We bring a keen understanding of the intricate anatomy of the nerves, muscles and skin found in the region between the eyebrows, ensuring only the antagonizing facial muscles are relaxed and that the nearby muscles are unaffected.
At The K Spa, we also realize the importance of using the most precise amount of Botox, which is always tailored to each patient’s unique needs. On average, it can take between 20 to 25 units of Botox to effectively address the glabella (the “11’s”) area. This will ultimately be determined based on your skin thickness, muscle strength and severity of your wrinkles. Within 3 to 5 days, patients can expect to see a marked improvement, with final effects up to 2 weeks after the injections. In general, Botox for glabella lines lasts up to four months before an additional treatment is necessary.
To further our commitment to patient outcome, The K Spa administers highly concentrated Botox using the tiniest needles possible. This can reduce or eliminate bruising, as well as help patients avoid complications from the migration of diluted injections, which can result in a dropped eyelid or brow. Administering Botox incorrectly or using too much product can threaten patient safety and cause undesirable outcomes such as a distorted facial appearance. At The K Spa, we have the unique qualifications and experience to help patients feel confident in their wrinkle treatments and obtain subtle, natural-looking results.
To schedule your Botox treatment for furrow and glabella lines, please contact The K Spa today. Keep in mind that the effects of Botox can vary based on your age. For some, Botox is a preventative approach to lines and wrinkles at an early age. Patients who notice the first signs of facial aging typically have more dramatic results than those who are in their late 50s or older. At The K Spa, we are driven by the unique needs of our patients at all times. Therefore, we do not hesitate to inform patients if another cosmetic procedure or facelift surgery would better help them reach their aesthetic goals.
* Disclaimer: These Are Actual Results For Patients Of Dr. Benjamin Stong. Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Results Can Vary Between Patients.