With the winter finally disappearing, you will no doubt be looking forward to enjoying the beautiful Atlanta summer. Summertime offers many opportunities to interact with friends and family or make new social and romantic connections. Unfortunately, a lot can happen in a year, and you may not feel as fresh-faced as you would like. Fine lines and wrinkles can develop seemingly overnight and can make you feel uncomfortable with your appearance.
Many summer activities in Atlanta involve the great outdoors, such as hiking or barbequing. You may be tempted to conceal wrinkles beneath makeup, but this is likely to melt and run in hot weather. Evening events are better suited to wearing makeup, but even the best contouring techniques can only do so much to refresh your appearance.
Bruise-free Treatment with the K Spa
With your social calendar filling up quickly, you may think you have no time for cosmetic enhancements. Unfortunately, scheduling time for an appointment with a busy work and social life can be challenging.
Dr. Stong at the K Spa believes that a beautiful, smooth complexion should be yours today without taking time away from your normal activities. Conventional facial fillers use needles, which break blood vessels to bruise and discolor the skin. Doctor Stong avoids this issue by using microcannulas to minimize irritation to the delicate tissue of the face. Some patients may experience a slight puffiness in the area, and his expert care team will show you how this can be minimized.
Not all injectable fillers are the same. Some brands provide a better tightening effect, while others are better for filling in wrinkles. Dr. Stong has vast experience selecting the right product from the best on the market to produce your desired outcome.
Choose Fast and Effective Results
At the K Spa, we understand your time and appearance are important to you. Our injectable treatment procedures are designed to fit your busy schedule with no downtime or recovery. In addition, our treatments are fast-acting, so you can enjoy your younger-looking complexion with no waiting.
Contact the K Spa in Atlanta today to discuss our full range of facial fillers and cosmetic injections.