After spending weeks at home, you may be thinking about restoring your fresh look. The concerns of the day have no doubt been wearing you down, and you could use some time getting recharged and rejuvenated. The K Spa is the perfect place to start.
How have you been spending your time at home? Are you keeping up with skin care? Eating healthy, nutritious foods? Getting enough exercise? Getting enough quality sleep? If you have fallen down on any of these things, welcome to the crowd. Even in the best of times, it is difficult to keep up healthy routines when your days are anything but routine. The problem is, neglecting good habits can take its toll on your skin and your body.
Cleansing and Exfoliation
Great skin care begins from the inside. Eating nourishing foods provides the nutrients your body needs to produce healthy skin. Proper hydration is needed to keep cells from drying out and for elimination of toxins. The right foods and plenty of water help clean your body from the inside.
On the outside, washing your face is important. Cleansing it with effective tools and products is vital for healthy, glowing skin. Over-the-counter products can be good, but they are also limited in what can be accomplished. Professional-grade products, along with research-based techniques, provide top-level skin care and produce the healthier, glowing look you desire.
Getting rid of dead skin cells is necessary to allow for fresh new skin to look its best. Some home care products can be dicey. Without quality products or proper technique, you could be opening yourself up to skin irritation or infection.
Proceed with Care
Until it is safe to get professional skincare treatments again, use caution when using over-the-counter products and tools on your skin. If it feels uncomfortable or if your skin becomes irritated, stop using the product or tool.
Maintain a good skincare routine. Keep your skin clean and moisturized. Remember to work on it from the inside as well. Eat plenty of fruits and veggies and drink water to stay hydrated. You may want to check out some of the infused water recipes online for tasty, nutritious water.
When the time comes, schedule an appointment with The K Spa for professional skincare treatments. Ask about our facial skin hydration for a deep cleanse and exfoliation. Call us if you have questions.